
Season in the Sun

"Hhh.. Mpi.. Vido jahat, lah sama aku.." rengekku di kelas yang memang pada saat itu belum dimulai.
"Kenapa, ih?? Kamu diapain sama Vido?" tanggapnya, heboh.
"Kenapa, sih dia teh kaya yang gamau lama-lama sama aku?? Cuman nganterin pulang doang, udah, we ga kemana-mana lagi."
"Wahahahahaha.... Bukan gamau, takut dimarahin kali sama mamanya gara-gara pulang telat?!"
Aku kesal. Vido yang sangat asyik dan rame saat PDKT itu ternyata lebih banyak diamnya ketika sudah jadian. Kadang aku teringat waktu pertama ketemu sama Vido.

---Waktu itu sore hari, aku baru pulang dari rumah Mpi. Sebenarnya sih aku tidak langsung pulang. Aku berdiri di depan Apotek ibuku menunggu Vido menjemput. 7-10 menit aku menunggu, akhirnya dia datang juga. Dengan Vario merah, helm biru, dan sepuntung rokok di bibirnya, dia menghampiriku.
"Udah lama nunggu?"
"Ga, ko. Cuman 10 menit-an."
"Ohh.. lama, atuh yah!"
"Oh, segitu teh lama? Kok kamu jam segini udah balik, sih? Bukannya balik jam 6?"
"Iya, aku kabur dari tempat les."
--- Itulah percakapan singkat kami. Aku merasa ingin selalu dekat dengannya seperti sekarang ini. Dia bertubuh tinggi besar, berkulit putih, botak, dan mukanya mesum (wahahah maapin, Bud, kan emang kenyataan :P). Tubuhnya kaku dan tegap. Aku tersenyum sendiri menerka-nerka apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya.
"Belok kanan atau kiri?" tanyanya membuyarkan lamunanku.
"Mm, kiri," aku menjawabnya sambil bingung membedakan antara kiri dan kanan.
--- Aku tersenyum saat motornya melewati jalan masuk rumahku. Motornya melaju santai terus ke atas. Aku tetap tersenyum. Semakin lebar.
"Rumah kamu jauh ga ke atasnya?"
--- Aku tak bisa menahan tawa dan, "ga, ko. Rumah aku mah masih di bawah, udah kelewatan. Wahahhahahaha!"
--- Dia menengok kesal ke arahku yang sedang tertawa. "hh.. Aing mah ketipu... Di daerah sini ada tempat nongkrong, ga?"
"Gatau atuh.. Aku mah jarang keluar rumah. :P"
--- Vido memutar balik motornya dan kembali turun ke bawah.
"Kesitu dulu yu!" ajaknya sambil menunjuk lahan kosong yang hanya ada tumpukan besi. Kami duduk di tumpukan besi itu. Tidak ada apapun di antara kami. Hanya udara yang dingin, langit yang gelap, dan alunan musik band Coldplay dari HP Vido yang mengiringi. Sejenak kami menikmati sore yang berganti malam. Ketika Coldplay - The Scientist berganti menjadi The-All American Rejects - Dance Inside, kami memulai percakapan. ---

"Gakan kemana-mana dulu kita?" tanyaku yang sedang dibonceng Vido di belakangnya.
"Emang mau kemana dulu?"
"Ya kemana, kek! Bebas..."
Namun pada akhirnya dia berhenti di depan rumahku. "Jalan-jalannya nanti aja, yah...," katanya sambil tersenyum. Aku turun dari motornya dan menghela napas. Aku tersenyum padanya.
"Makasih yah..."
Aku berlari menuju kamar. Menutup pintu. Terduduk di depan pintu. Air mataku jatuh. Deras dan tiba-tiba. Aku marah pada diriku. Aku kesal pada kenapa-aku-ga-bisa-marah-sama-Vido. Inilah kedua kalinya dia membuatku menangis.

--- HP-ku menyala. Oh, ternyata sms dari Vido. Kita ke atas, yu. mumpung Mama aku lagi pergi ke kondangan. Tapi cuman bisa sampe jam 9. Mau? WAH! Dengan segera aku membalasnya untuk mengatakan iya.
--- Vido menjemputku di depan jalan. Butuh waktu sekitar 30-45 menit untuk sampai ke atas. Sesampainya disana kami duduk bersebelahan. Vido mengeluarkan Oops..! beberapa bungkus dan Marlboro dari saku jaketnya.
"Kamu bekel?" tanyaku sambil melihat dia mengeluarkan 4 snack dari saku jacketnya.
"Hehe.. iya. :P Lumayan gratisan..."
Kami tertawa dan bercanda. Sampai pada akhirnya dia membuatku menangis untuk pertama kalinya karena terharu dan menahan ketawa :: orang macam Vido bisa nembak cewe juga. ---

"Bug, tar latihan yah di rumah aku!" kata Diandra pada jam pelajaran terakhir.
"Yaaaahhh.. Padahal pingin bareng Vido.." sahutku, kecewa.
"Ya udah, minta anterin Vido aja ke rumah akunya."
"Kalo bisa sih dianya juga." Aku berpikir sejenak mengingat hari-apa-ini. "itu juga kalo dia ga skate dulu..."
"Ah, kan bisa nganterin kamu dulu, baru maen skate." sanggah Diandra.
Aku sms Vido, ndut, tar aku latihan di rumah Diandra. bisa kamu anterin dulu, ga? Aku sedikit ragu, tapi tetap saja smsnya dikirim. Tak lama kemudian dia membalas Siap! Sedikit tenang ketika membacanya.
Sesuai dengan janjinya, Vido mengantarkanku ke rumah Diandra setelah aku bawa 'nyasar' sedikit.
"Masuk dulu, yu!" ajakku.
"Ga, deh. Ntar kamu mau balik jam berapa?" tanya Vido saat aku turun dari motornya.
"Gatau atuh. Jam 4-5an paling."
"Hoo.. ya udah tar aku jemput. Ok? Aku sekarang mau maen skate dulu di sekolah."
"Ok deh.. kalo ga bisa jemput juga gapapa, ko."
"Pasti bisa, kok. Kan Delivery Service." katanya sambil tersenyum dan beranjak pergi. Aku hanya terdiam dengan mulut ternganga di depan rumah Diandra dan melihat Vido pergi.

Aku tidak tahu lagi apa yang sedang aku pikirkan. Aku menelepon Mpi dan tiba-tiba ada bisikan Setan yang mendoktrinku macam-macam. Aku mengajak Vido bertemu untuk membuat penyesalan.
Keesokan harinya Mpi menghampiriku yang sedang duduk sendiri di bangku paling ujung ke-2 dari depan.
"Bugi, ih!! Kamu mah! Ko anak-anak pada nyalahin aku sih gara-gara kamu putus sama Vido??!!"
Aku menengok ke arah Mpi dan tersenyum menahan tangis.

~Vido, mungkin aku ga bisa bikin kamu kembali sama aku, apalagi ngulang waktu.
Aku cuman pingin kamu inget kita punya season in the sun bareng.
Terima kasih udah bikin masa SMA aku berwarna.
Loving you as always - Boogeyy~


Wheel of Fortune

in accordance with my promise, now I will explain about the 'Wheel of Fortune'. This is also my favorite card. This card come out when I predict mostly friends who are too confident and careless. it may mean that they simply follow the fortune wheel rotation. for more information, let us read the explanation below.

The wheel is not always shown inscribed with any lettering. Where this is the case, the letters T-A-R-O can often be found aligned against four of the spokes. In some decks, such as the Waite, the wheel is also inscribed with additional alchemical symbols representing the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water (which are also said to be represented throughout the Tarot by the four 'suits' of Pentacles or Discs, Swords, Wands and Cups respectively. These emblems can also be seen on the Magician's table in the Magician card (Card I)).
On the Waite card shown, though not necessarily on others, there are also four winged creatures in the corners of the card, representing the symbols of the four Evangelists (The Lion, the Ox, the Man and the Eagle). Representing the four astrological signs (Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio). In addition a representation of the god Anubis is seen rising with the wheel on the right side, while the snake-like Typhon descends on the left.
  • Turning point; Opportunities; Possibilities
  • Destiny; Fate; Superior Forces; Movement
  • Development; Activity; Surprises; Expansion
  • Sudden Events; Speed; New Developments; Life Cycles
Mythopoetic Approach

In this approach, which views the Major Arcana as a journey through life taken by the character of the Fool (the Fool being the first card, or the zero card, of the Major Arcana), the Wheel of Fortune represents the intercession of random chance into the Fool's path. The card represents the forces that can help or hinder the querant suddenly or unpredictably.

It can also represent the underlying order that the Magician attempts to master. The letters on the wheel were intended by Waite to mean "Rota Taro Orat Tora Ator," which he "translated" (this term used loosely) to: "The Wheel of Taro[t] speaks the Law of Ator [Hathor, or Love]."

Through its cross sum (the sum of the digits), it is closely connected to The Magician and The Sun (cards 1 and 19 of the Major Arcana respectively). Each represents a break with the previously established order: the Magician starting the journey; The Wheel of Fortune introducing random chance; and The Sun reborn from the underworld.



I love being an astrologer. I love my tarot cards. sometimes it odd that when the results of my prediction was right. hard to believe, but it's real. of all the people I've predicted, I was the first person to get a card "THE DEVIL". I am not too proud, too, though. haha .. I was shocked. but not too surprised, really. hahahaha .. compared with the "Death" card, "THE DEVIL" worse. there is no good side of this card .. So I do not have the good side, huh? well, let's look how COOL this card!

In the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the Devil sits above two naked human demons—one male, one female, who are chained to his seat. The Tarot Devil card is derived in part from Eliphas Levi's famous illustration "Baphomet" in his Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie (1855). Baphomet is winged and horned, combining human and bestial features. Many modern Tarot decks portray the Devil as a satyr-like creature. In the Tarot of Marseilles (illustration, below), the devil is portrayed with facial features in unusual places, such as a mouth on his stomach, eyes on his knees, and with female breasts and male genitalia.

According to Waite, the Devil is standing on an altar. His right hand is upraised, in direct contrast to The Hierophant raising his left hand in benediction. In his left hand, the Devil holds a great flaming torch inverted towards the earth. A reversed pentagram is on his forehead.

Eliphas Levi says in his book, Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual that:

"A reversed pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. It is the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns, a sign execrated by initiates." In Native American tarot, the attribution is often more complex than this.

Some frequent keywords used by tarot readers are:

  • Materialism ----- Ignorance ----- Stagnation ----- Self-bondage
  • Lust ----- Egoism ----- Obsession ----- Anxiety ----- Anger
  • Ganance ----- Hedonism ----- Passion ----- instincts
  • Sexuality ------ Temptation ----- doubt ----- Vice
  • Futility ----- Physical attraction ----- Pessimism ----- insight

You guys, that all Tarot decks used for divination are interpreted according to personal experience and standards.


The Devil is the card of self-bondage to an idea or belief which is preventing a person from growing or being healthy—an example might be a belief that getting drunk each night is good for you. On the other hand, however, it can also be a warning to someone who is too restrained and/or dispassionate and never allows him or herself to be rash or wild or ambitious, which is yet another form of enslavement.

The Devil is the 15th card of the Major Arcana, and is associated with earth and Capricorn. Though many decks portray a stereotypical Satan figure for this card, it is more accurately represented by our bondage to material things rather than by any evil persona. It also indicates an obsession or addiction to fulfilling our own earthly base desires. Should the Devil represent a person, it will most likely be one of money and power, one who is persuasive, aggressive, and controlling. In any case, it is most important that the querent understands that the ties that bind are freely worn.

Mythopoetic approach

The Devil is both the Ur-Adversary, and a tremendous source of strength. He represents nearly an inexhaustible source of energy. Battling him gives us strength. Submitting to him completely is ego-death.

As with The Magician (Tarot card), the iconography of most of the standard Tarot suits appear. His wings represent Air, the suit of Swords. The torch in his hands, and the flames in the tail of the male devil represent Fire, the suit of Wands. The grapes in the tail of the female devil invoke Earth; the same grapes appear in most of the cards in the suit of Disks. Only water, Cups are missing. On one level, this is curious; water is of the unconscious, and The Devil dwells in the subconscious.(fact|date=April 2009) On another level it is heartbreaking; what is missing from the Devil’s realm is The Grail, the kindly blessings of the Cup.

Perhaps to make up for the lack of water, the kindlier aspects of this card can be seen in the Two of Cups.

If the Major Arcana is analogized to the Sun’s circle across the sky, The Devil governs the Sun at midnight, when it is most vulnerable to the Old Night. The ancient Egyptians tell of the demon Apophis, Chaos, who would sometimes lay in wait for Ra as he piloted the boat of the Sun down the Nile to be born again in the morning. Sometimes, Apophis would swallow the sun. Mercifully, the reversals of the night brought Set to an unlikely rescue; he ripped Apophis open and let the Sun escape. Set, The Devil, is the adversary but sometimes, he is our best and only ally.

In Jungian terms, he is The Shadow: all the repressed, unmentioned or unmentionable desires that lurk beneath.

The Devil is related both through his cross sum (sum of the digits) and his iconography with Key VI, The Lovers. Both cards speak to our drives; the drives that take us out of the garden; the drives that make us hard, make us warm, make us live. The central character in each is winged; each lives in the archetypal ether. Each is crowned: the Angel in The Lovers with fire, The Devil by a Pentagram and ram’s horns. Above each rides a naked man and a naked woman. But in The Lovers, there is still some sense of newness, wholesomeness, and hope; in The Devil they are chained by the neck and partially transformed into creatures of the underworld; transformed by their taste of the darkness; by the fruit of the underworld.

The chains are loose. They can be slipped. The Devil’s own torch can light the way out and light the return, back to the surface.

so, yeah.. that's how "THE DEVIL" card is. however it is my favorite card. what your favorite card? maybe in my next post, i will discuss my other favorite card, "WHEEL OF FORTUNE". :P